Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dorm Life So Far

We LOVE living with college students- it is so fun, encouraging, crazy, never boring and a blessing : )
We have been up to a few different things the last few months down here in CA.  I am leading a couple different small groups, there is a weekly Girls' Night at our place for the girls in our dorm, Matt has been meeting a few different guys and now going to be doing a small group with them.

Matt is working full-time still, and working seminary classes one-at-a-time until we settle a few things.  I will be doing the MABC program starting this Summer (at least that is the plan) and taking my classes in a 3 week intensive classroom setting. 

Here are some fun pics of what goes on during the week for us:

We have had so many fun memories made so far- late night chats with students, Super Bowl party, going out to eat with new friends and old, we have had great friends visit, gone to amazing conferences, felt totally confirmed and encouraged in where the Lord has us, and we know that it's just the start to this new season of our life.  We are so thankful for where the Lord has us right now, even though we miss our families so much.  God is good : )

I Know It's Been A While...

Well, this has probably been the longest gap between posts....pretty lame, I know : )  But nevertheless just wanted to write some updates on life for us and what ahas been going lately!

Well, we spent Christmas break in CO & WA- for 2 weeks we were with family and friends catching up with the ones we love :)  Here are some fun pics to capture our trips!!

 We saw some of my cousins from Kentucky- so fun to see them!

 Hung out with the Griemes....and there is my lovely sister : )

 Had a McNabb Christmas party....very fun night!

 I am now the owner of a new sewing machine...WOOT! I have no idea how to use it, but excited to have a new hobby : )

 I learned how to ski and hit the slopes with the Hubs and his family for a whole day- SO MUCH FUN!!

 Matt's lovely grandparents : )

It was a VERY merry Christmas- and we miss every one of these faces.  So ready for people to come visit!!
Jeffrey, Bethke, Stephanie and Emma are in the line-up!! Woot!!!

Disneyland with the Badens!!

Our friends from WA came down in November and spent a few days with us!  There was much laughter, food, game-playing and of course Disneyland!!  Here are some pics from that day...

So glad you guys came- we miss you both and wish you were here to go with again because we loved every moment of it!